
I created this course to give you a fresh start. The assignments are organized by topic, not date. They cover topics from lower grades that you need to work on.

Start with the assignments in “vocabulary terms.” After you complete the vocabulary terms lessons, start working on the context clues-based vocabulary assignments. The more time and energy that you put in, the faster your vocabulary will grow. Aim to complete at least three context clues based vocabulary assignments each week. I’m going to add other

You will receive personalized reading recommendations and reading comprehension activities. To begin, I need to get to know a little about your reading habits!

I am working on adding the standards that each of the language arts units aligns with on the lesson pages. I’m starting with the current and future units, and then I’ll work on past units. In class, we work on using adjectives to add description, using more specific nouns in our writing, appropriately capitalizing proper nouns and the

To receive extra credit, you must: Follow the directions posted on the assignments page of this course (online) Follow the directions written on the assignment that you print out.  Scan and upload all completed work.  All work must be legible. You will earn desk pet dollars as follows: 25 cents for 3rd grade assignments 50

This course contains study material for the twenty vocabulary quizzes that you must pass to complete prealgebra.  These lessons are organized into five sections: Number Systems (6.MV.n) Expressions & Equations (6.MV.e) Geometry (6.MV.g) Ratio & Proportion (6.MV.r) Statistic and Probability (6.MV.s) You must earn a grade of 80% or higher on a quiz in order

Vocabulary Requirements You must pass 20 vocabulary quizzes to complete Accelerated 4th Grade Math.  To register for Accelerated 5th Grade Math, you must be on track to meet this requirement. This means you must pass at least 10 of the quizzes before the end of January. This course contains material to help you study for

Vocabulary Requirements You must pass 20 vocabulary quizzes to complete Accelerated 3rd Grade Math.  To register for Accelerated 4th Grade Math, you must be on track to meet this requirement. This means you must pass at least 10 of the quizzes before the end of January. This course contains material to help you study for

Vocabulary Requirements You must pass 20 vocabulary quizzes to complete Accelerated 5th Grade Math.  To register for 6th Grade Prealgebra, you must be on track to meet this requirement. This means you must pass at least 10 of the quizzes before the end of January. This course contains material to help you study for the

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